Publications and Presentations
My research program has attempted to respond questions of abundance, diversity and distribution of individuals, populations and species in time and space, predator prey interactions, parasitism, feeding, breeding, moving and dispersal behavior and ecology, and the effects of migratory and exotic species on the local biota. I have also examined human impacts on overharvesting, predator removal and introductions, landscape degradation, habitat use changes and conflicts with tourism, fire, plantations, fish farming and livestock husbandry on local species. Additionally, I ventured into refining and improving techniques to work with wild animals.
In regard to the subjects, I have focused manly on forest vertebrates and on species of conservation concern including among the birds hawks, falcons, condors and owls, ducks, geese, seed snipes, passerines, Slender-billed Parakeets, and Magellanic Woodpeckers. Among the mammals I studied pudu and huemul deer, guanaco, small mammals, bats, both chinchilla species, pumas, the three Chilean foxes, red foxes, coyotes, raccoons, skunks, dolphins, peccaries, howler monkeys and the monkey of the forest, the most ancient of the marsupials. I have worked on saproxylic and blood sucking insects, snakes, with a few lizards, plants as well as on internal and external parasites of carnivores.
My drive of discovery and curiosity has lead me to work in a diversity of habitat types, ecosystems and biomes. Geographically, I have worked all along Chile, in the highlands of Bolivia, in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, and in the U.S. in UT, FL, OR, NY, VA and ND. Only recently, my curiosity branched out to include exotic species, the microscopic water bears and the fauna in north Texas.
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