Talks and seminars
2019: [Conservation and ecology of Chilean birds]. Chile’s Forest Service, Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile.
2019: [Scientific challenges in studying austral birds: an ecological approach]. Center of Ecosystems Modelling and Monitoring, Universidad Mayor, Santiago, Chile.
2018: My experience as a wildlife ecologist: How can we contribute to LLELA? Friends of LLELA (Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area), Lewisville, Texas.
2017: Research in the world’s southernmost forests. Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas
2016: My experience as a wildlife biologist. Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity, and Sustainability (SEEDS), University of North Texas.
2014: Bird research at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut.
2014: My experience as a wildlife biologist: from Temuco to Texas, and back to Cape Horn. Nexos Chile-USA 2014 5th Annual Meeting of Chilean Scientists in the USA, held at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2014: An innovative U.S.-Chilean student exchange program: linking long-term socio-ecological research and sustainable development. NAFSA Association of International Educators, San Diego Convention Center, California.
2013: The Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program. E-ship, Catholic University of Chile, Universidad del Desarrollo, and Stanford University. Cruise ship Via Australis, Cape Horn, Chile.
2013: [Long-term bird research at Omora Park]. Santiago Bueras elementary school, Puerto Natales, Chile.
2013: [Leading-edge bird research at Omora Park], at International graduate course on Biodiversity and Conservation, Puerto Natales, Chile.
2013: [What do we scientists do?] Claude Gay French School, Osorno. Chile.
2013: [Diversity of southern Chilean forest birds]. Claude Gay French School, Osorno. Chile.
2012: [Research on birds at Omora Park]. Universidad de Magallanes, Puerto Williams, Chile.
2010: [Conservation of the Darwin’s fox in Nahuelbuta]. Workshop of the Initiative for the Conservation of the Nahuelbuta Mountain Range, Curanilahue and Conama, Temuco, Chile.
2010: Conservation research on vertebrates endemic to the temperate and sub-Antarctic ecosystems of southern South America. University of North Texas, Denton, Texas.
2010: [Using the scientific method], in 1000 scientists-1000 classrooms and Explora-Conicyt project [Learning life science in the forest]. Riachuelo school, Rio Negro, Chile.
2010: [Conflicts between Slender-billed Parakeets and agriculture, Can we solve it?]. Friends of Puyehue Lake, Ñilque, Osorno, Chile.
2010: [The role of environmental education on the conservation of regional biodiversity]. 3rd Winter Environmental Workshop, Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile.
2009: [Conservation of Chilean carnivores]. Conservation Medicine Symposium, 200 years after Darwin, organized by Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile.
2009: [The curious and dramatic history of the Darwin’s fox]. International Symposium on Carnivores, organized by the Center in Advanced Studies in Ecology of Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
2009: [Ecology and conservation of the Darwin’s fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes), a critically endangered canid]. Conference organized by the Coalition for the Conservation of the Nahuelbuta Range, Curanilahue, Chile.
2008: [How to conduct scientific research]. Technical School Adolfo Matthei, Osorno, as part of the program 1000 scientists-1000 classrooms from Explora-Conicyt, Osorno, Chile.
2008: [On the rescue of the Darwin’s fox: an atypical fox in Nahuelbuta]. Workshop on the Nahuelbuta Biological Corridor, organized by Forest Ethics, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.
2008: [The enigmatic Darwin’s fox, in the wrong place]. 6th Symposium on Native Flora and Fauna: “Discovering the values of Nahuelbuta”, organized by CORMA, Bio-Bio, Concepción, Chile.
2008: [Conservation of foxes in Chile: my experience with the Darwin’s fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes), a critically endangered canid]. Workshop on the Management and Conservation of Wildlife, organized by ECOVET and Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
2008: [The birds of the evergreen forest: their ecologies and how to recognize them]. Workshop on the importance of the birds, organized by the Municipality of Maullín, Maullín, Chile.
2007: [The conservation of the Darwin’s fox]. Science School students, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
2007: [Ecology, conservation and identification of Valdivian forest birds]. Ornitólogos del Sur, UNORCH, Universidad Arcis Patagonia, Castro, Chile.
2007: [Wildlife and society, Conflict or survivorship? Contributions of research to the conflict]. 2nd Symposium on Chilean natural heritage, organized by Master students in wild areas and conservation of nature (MASCN), Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
2006: [Ecology of the Darwin’s fox in the Island of Chiloé]. Graduate program in Ecology and Conservation, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia.
2006: [The Master of Science with majoring in production, management, and conservation of Natural Resources of Universidad de Los Lagos: Our 10 years’ experience]. Workshop for designing a graduate program in Biological Conservation in Bolivia, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.
2006: [Monitoring terrestrial birds]. Ornitólogos del Sur, UNORCH, Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile.
2006: [The problems of conserving small populations: theoretical considerations and two case studies in Chilean vertebrates]. Honors program students, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
2006: [How is scientific research been conducted?]. Colegio Alberto Hurtado, as part of the program 1000 scientists-1000 classrooms from Explora-Conicyt, Osorno, Chile.
2006: [Birds of the Valdivian forest, their ecologies, conservation and how to identify them]. Ornitólogos del Sur, UNORCH, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
2005: [What do we scientists do?]. Third national Science meeting of Chilean German high schools, La Unión, Chile.
2005: [How scientists conduct research: the Darwin’s fox case in Chiloé]. German high school, Osorno, Chile.
2005: [Research and the conservation of our natural legacy]. German high school, Temuco, Chile.
2005: [The Darwin’s fox and its relationship with the coastal environment]. Workshop of Marine Biology students, Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile.
2004: [Efforts to conserve a species at risk of extinction]. Seminar on Leadership for the Sustainable Development, Central American Institute of Business Administration, INCAE, Alajuela, Costa Rica.
2004: [What are we doing to conserve the Darwin’s fox?], in Biodiversity Fair, at Universidad Arcis Patagonia, Castro, Chile.
2004: [The conservation of the Darwin’s fox]. Seminar on Carnivore Conservation, sponsored by a Darwin Initiative and the British Embassy. Faculty of Agronomy, Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
2004: [The ecology of the Darwin’s fox]. Seminar of the School of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Austral, Valdivia, Chile.
2003-2007: Chile a trembling land. Cruise ships Mare Australis and Vía Australis, Punta Arenas, Chile.
2002: Chile, a trembling land and biogeography of Chilean fauna and flora. Cruise ship Terra Australis, Punta Arenas, Chile.
2002: [Efforts to conserve the Darwin’s fox]. Austral Newspaper, organized by Institute of Austral Ecology, Osorno, Chile.
2002: [How much do we know about the Darwin’s fox?]. Senda Darwin Foundation, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
2001: Research in the land of the trembling earth: the local settings. Department of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut, Avery Point, Connecticut, USA.
1999: Nest success of dabbling ducks in a human-modified prairie: Effects of habitat variables and predator behavior at different spatial scales. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA.
1997: Nest success of dabbling ducks in a human-modified prairie: Effects of habitat variables and predator behavior. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA.
1993: Comparative ecology of Dusicyon foxes at the Chinchilla National Reserve in northcentral Chile. School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA.
1993: [Ecology and geography of a country at the end of the world]. Regional program in Wildlife for Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
1992: [Community ecology of the raptors of Torres del Paine National Park]. Chilean Ornithologists’ Union, Swiss High School, Santiago, Chile.
1991: The wild chinchillas: an endangered species. Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York, USA.
1991: Chile, its landscape, people, and wildlife. William’s Elementary School, Gainesville, Florida, USA.
1990: Chinchillas and Chile. Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA.
1990: [The Chilean chinchilla, a renewable natural resource]. Cocou’s and Choapa’s (No. 90) Elementary Schools, and Santa Teresa School, Illapel, Chile.
1990: [The Conservation of the Chilean chinchilla]. 4th grade, Santa Teresa School, National Chinchilla Reserve, Illapel, Chile.
1989: [Methodologies and results of a scientific research program]. Workshop for advisors of scientific academies, Liceo B‑15, Illapel, Chile.
1989: [The Chilean chinchilla, an extremely endangered mammal]. Liceo 395, Illapel, Chile.
1989: [The methodology of science, an applied case]. First Regional Scientific Workshop, Municipal Government, Illapel, Chile.
1989: [Methodologies and results of the study of the wild Chinchilla]. Course for Natural Sciences’ Teachers from the 4th Region, Chinchilla National Reserve, Illapel, Chile.
1988: [Biological basis for the conservation and management of the Chilean chinchilla]. University of Córdoba, Argentina.
1988: [Practical ornithology: capture techniques, measurements, and data recording]. 2nd National Ornithological Meeting, Chilean Ornithologists’ Union, Punta de Tralca, Chile.
1988: [The Chilean chinchilla: its conservation status]. Provincial Government, Illapel, Chile.
1987‑1988: [Sampling animal populations]. Ecology course, Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
1985: [The flight of birds]. International Council for Bird Preservation‑Chile, Santiago.
1984: [Traveling through Magallanes and Tierra del Fuego]. La Florida’s Cultural Institute, Santiago, Chile.
1984: [The Chilean Patagonia: its geography and wildlife]. Swiss high school, Santiago, Chile.
1982: Geschützte Flächen, ein Fall: Conguillío National Park. Burschenschaft Andinia, Santiago, Chile.
1978: [Regional biogeography]. Course for park rangers “Regional flora and fauna”, Nahuelbuta National Park, Chile